
Fishbone Archipelago: Lost Lighthouse

Created by Mikhail Malkin

A system-agnostic fantasy adventure about surviving a shipwreck on an uncharted island

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Art milestone update
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 04:54:00 PM

Hello there, Fishbone Crew!
While there is so much to be illustrated, this weekend I've put some final hours into page breakers and footers for the adventure. Now there are eight finished images done and it feels me with joy. If you follow adventure's art progress chart you will see  that my focus is already on characters and monsters. As of today I'm almost done with Vela the Caretaker and soon will switch to other images. 

This week I will be submitting a Setup Review from Backerkit. This means I will be able to open the Pledge Manager really soon and at some point all of you might get a Backer Survey so it would be possible for me to get to fulfillment as soon as possible. Some random chosen few will get notifications as part of the Backerkit Smoke Test and after that will be done, we will be able to roll out fulfillment on full sails ahead.

At the moment I still plan to share the Digital copies of the Fishbone Archipelago and Digital Extras at the end of the month. I know it's a herculean task on illustration volume side of things, but I really want to give it to you as soon as possible and as pretty as I can make it. Due to great, but reasonable funding this adventure got I won't be able to set-up personal web store yet, so Digital rewards will be shared as DriveThruRPG download codes.

Our second absolutely massive battlemap for the Ruined Fort area is almost done and I can't wait to share more with you in the next update. And since we were £15 shy form another digital battlemap there's a big chance that if at least two of would get a sketch or some other extra to your order - all of us will get a third map and an extra set of tokens. Wait for the Backerkit Survey and if you have any questions - reach out to me over the Discord (look for the invite in backer only update 12!)

Thank you and I will see you all soon!
¬ Mikhail

Backer only update: Good news and new ways to move forward
6 months ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 12:02:45 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Quest if over. Now, an adventure begins!
7 months ago – Sat, Mar 02, 2024 at 11:31:14 AM

Good evening, Fishbone Crew! 

Thank you to everyone who supported me, asked questions, reposted my weird posts, found me on Instagram, reacted to previous updates and most of all - trusted my artistic integrity and vision enough to give me your hard earned cash even before getting something in return. You are amazing!

I will take a couple of days to rest and recharge, but prepare to get an update for every week from now on and until May 2024 when I plan to start shipping. After my R&R I'll continue this long road to publishing with Art Streams overmy Twitch channel  so please drop by when I go live. In mean time I urge you to follow me all over the web so we won't lose each other in the future.

In our next updates I'll go over delivery plans and BakerKit migration for managing pledges, gathering shipping data and personal rewards. 

Thank you so much, my friends.
Today you've made a longtime personal goal of mine a reality.
[This action will have consequences]

Mikhail Malkin

Final Hour to find the Lost Lighthouse! + Giveaway updates
7 months ago – Sat, Mar 02, 2024 at 07:06:17 AM

Greetings, Fishbone Crew!
It's only 60 minutes left to grab yourself a copy of Fishbone Archipelago: Lost Lighthouse before this campaign ends.

Yesterday I had some amazing time doing more art of stream and answering question from backers over my Twitch channel. Big thank you to anyone who joined us and specifically to those two brave souls who stayed with me until midnight. Here's a quick round-up of the giveaway:

Congratulations to Twitter user Muse of Caustic Babes ( aka @the_art_of_purr ) for their win! Please, send me a message with a title giant friggin battle map so we could figure out how we can optimize the delivery. Thank you so much! 

We're almost done!

One Day more!
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 08:07:12 AM

Hey there, Fishbone Crew!

We are down to 24 final hours of this campaign and I'm here to say, that today around 20:00 GMT I will go live with a Fishbone Archipelago: Lost Lighthouse AMA and Art Stream on my Twitch channel to answer your questions about the adventure, stream painting of the Temple location header + resolve the Giant Map Giveaway live at midnight. Come hang out - it will be fun.

 See you soon, friends!