
Fishbone Archipelago: Lost Lighthouse

Created by Mikhail Malkin

A system-agnostic fantasy adventure about surviving a shipwreck on an uncharted island

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Huzzah! Physical and Digital fulfillment is done!
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 11:11:08 AM

Ahoy there, Fishbone crew!
I am glad to report, that by now every physical copy of the adventure (even for folks who were super late with their surveys), every digital copy, every custom sketch and every other reward was delivered. Once again, thank you so much for your support.
If you already played the adventure, please, take a moment and leave a review on DTRPGor on your preferred socials and don't forget to tag me. I would love to know what you think and incorporate this feedback into what comes next.

If you require any help with your copy - digital or physical - reach out ASAP. If you would like to see what else is cooking on the Sandstone District stove - join my Discord community and be the first to playtest new mechanics, see new illustrations and get to know how my free battle maps or tokens are made.

Next month the preproduction of the second Fishbone Archipelago adventure begins. It will involve the Tower of Dusk and inner workings of the Iron Brotherhood, mentioned in the Lost Lighthouse. In line with Fishbone Archipelago's vision, this adventure once again will be full of narrative tables, randomly generated helpful items and multiple randomized companions and a new mechanism for a specific kind of dramatic tension.

Thank you all for helping me to find what was lost.
Set sails, crew - Archipelago awaits us!

Mikhail Malkin

Physical fulfillment begins
4 months ago – Thu, May 30, 2024 at 04:06:58 AM

Ahoy, friends!
I am excited to inform you that all Digital backer rewards are now distributed.
Backerkit should have given you two sets of links with Digital PDF copy of the Fishbone Archipelago: Lost Lighthouse adventure and another one to our Digital Extras - three battle maps and encounter tokens for VTTs.
Another great news is that yesterday in two huge boxes arrived 15kg of the first print run. Some of you already seen the unboxing video on my socials but my phone's camera is not the perfect medium to show it's full glory.
With your generous support I was able to bump the page count to 32, but adding a glossary for setting-specific terms you can find in this adventure, suggestions on how to convert Modular Challenges to couple of popular TTRPG systems and a bigger map of the Uncharted Island.

If your pledge contained a physical copy reward, await your zine in the mail soon. Physical fulfillment is upon us!
And while you wait, please, enjoy this extra fresh product photos by A. Sulyagina

News from friends:
If you've a FBA:LL backer, I can assume that you also like birds, fishing and thinking about the revolution. If so - take a look at my friend's W.H. Arthur's ongoing camping for a card-based TTRPG May You Fish in Interesting Times

Thank you, friends!
[I will see you soon with the another update when every zine will be shipped]

  • Mikhail

Codes are on their way
4 months ago – Mon, May 20, 2024 at 07:20:38 PM

Ahoy, friends!

it seems like the initial wave of digital fulfillment is activated. That means, that you should have get a code for a digital download of the Lost Lighthouse adventure from my page.

While printed version is in it's final stages of pre-production, I will remind you, that the second wave of digital downloads will contain all the digital extras - three HD battlemaps and some useful tokens for your VVT needs to run Lost Lighthouse online. 
In case you've spotted a typo or there's something... fishy with your PDF copy - drop me a note on Sandstone District Discord or anywhere else you can reach me.

Thank you and I will see you soon with fresh updates!

Digital Fulfillment is incoming
4 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 07:10:29 AM

Ahoy, Fishbone Crew! We're almost at the top!

So here are the latest Lost Lighthouse news:
1. The digital edition of the adventure is almost ready. I plan to deliver it to you this week.
2. Production of physical copies will begin next Monday. I'm working on the updated layout and exclusive images for the printed edition.

That being said, I still have 10 backers who are ignoring my Survey Reminders from BackerKit. Please, help me deliver this project on time and check your Spam folders in your inboxes for any missed letters or I will be forced to write you a direct email and nobody wants that in 2024, right?

3. On the bright side, kind folks who bought some extras with their orders helped us to reach a Stretch Goal to get one extra digital map for our Digital Extras pack! Huzzah! Please, tell me in the comments what location would you prefer to have as a digital battle map?
a) Harpy's Nest on a cliff
b) Wyrm lair in the tunnels
c) Hidden fishfolk cave house 
d) Ancient temple grounds

Once again, if you'd like to stay in touch directly or you have questions and suggestions, please, consider joining my Discord Communityor connect me anywhere you prefer.

Thank you all and I will see you very soon with fresh updates!


Art milestone II update
5 months ago – Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 12:11:19 PM

Ahoy there, Fishbone Crew!

I am glad to inform you, that second big art milestone is done. Now with every footer and every character illustration done, there's only location headers left to illustrate. One location is 100% complete, 7 more to go. 

I work really hard on this project every week and every day after you helped me to fund it. Even with a massive amount of work I've done before the crowdfunding, it is easy to see, that with my next adventure I will take more time for my deadlines. Still, I have to ask you to forgive me delaying digital release for two weeks from April 31 to May 15th. Backerkit set-up  took a bit more time and energy from me than I've initially assumed it will. I am still 100% certain that I will be able to start shipping of the physical copies at the end of May. It's the digital ones I would prefer not to rush to give you the best quality for your money. 

Right now I'm opening the floodgates of the Backerkit backer Survey, so be ready that you will receive a message with a couple of question about your pledges. Please, remember that any add-on you chose to add to your pledge can help us cross the stretch goal mark to get an additional battle map.

Thank you for your support and see you soon with a fresh update!
